San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, formerly a program director at the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC), will give the 2018 George Gerbner Lecture in Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication on March 12, 2018. In his lecture “Be a Better Neighbor: The Education of a Mayor,” Nirenberg will share observations and lessons learned on the way to becoming mayor of San Antonio, the nation’s seventh-largest city, in 2017. He was elected to the San Antonio City Council in 2013.
Nirenberg, who received his master’s degree from the Annenberg School in 2001, was the director of APPC’s Student Voices program, a nationwide civic engagement initiative to address the problem of declining political involvement by young people. The program, later folded into Annenberg Classroom, encouraged civic engagement by bringing the study of local government, policy issues, and political campaigns into the classroom, letting students learn to address community problems through classroom projects.
Through the Student Voices website, 22 local programs were able to see what other schools were doing and interact with each other through moderated discussions. Nirenberg, with APPC from 2001 to 2009, was a regional organizer for Student Voices in Texas before being named to direct the program.
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