The Annenberg Public Policy Center congratulates Danielle Bassett, an APPC distinguished research fellow, on being awarded the Erdős-Rényi Prize from the Network Science Society (NetSci). The prize honors the work of a scientist under the age of 40 for achievements in the field of network science.
Danielle Bassett, Ph.D., the Eduardo D. Glandt Faculty Fellow and associate professor of bioengineering at Penn Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, was honored by NetSci for “fundamental contributions to our understanding of the network architecture of the human brain, its evolution over learning and development, and its alteration in neurological disease.”
NetSci noted that “while the achievements can be both theoretical and experimental, the prize is aimed at emphasizing outstanding contributions relevant to the interdisciplinary progress of network science.”
Bassett is the seventh scientist and fourth American to receive the prize, which was given to her during NetSci’s International Conference on Network Science this past summer in Paris, according to the Penn bioengineering blog. In Paris she delivered a lecture on her work, which uses network science to augment our understanding of the organization of the brain in a subset of network science known as network neuroscience.
“Receiving the Erdős-Rényi Prize is a clear recognition from her colleagues that Dani is a true pioneer with many significant accomplishments to date and even more ahead of her,” Penn bioengineering chair Dave Meaney said. “She is an amazing role model for all of us.”
Bassett said, “I am thrilled and honored to receive this prestigious award. Network science is a true passion for me, and it is heartwarming to see my work, and that of my fantastic collaborators and brilliant students, acknowledged in this way.”