The holiday season usually has the lowest suicide rates, but news accounts persist in supporting the holiday-suicide myth. While the COVID-19 pandemic has increased risk factors associated with suicide, media should be careful not to make unfounded claims about suicide trends.
Health and Risk Communication

Controversy Continues Over ‘13 Reasons Why’ and Adolescent Suicide
APPC stands by its reanalysis showing no clear effect on adolescent suicide from the first season of the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why."

‘If Your Adolescent Has an Eating Disorder’ Published by Oxford
The second edition of "If Your Adolescent Has an Eating Disorder," part of a series overseen by the Annenberg Public Policy Center," has been published by Oxford University Press.

Virtual Driving Assessment Shows Feasibility as Part of Licensing Process
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and APPC researchers have demonstrated the feasibility of incorporating a virtual driving assessment system into the driver’s licensing process in Ohio.