Researchers from the Annenberg Public Policy Center will be presenting their work and taking part in panel discussions at the National Communication Association (NCA) 102nd Annual Convention, which is being held November 10-13 in Philadelphia. Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson and postdoctoral fellows Heather Akin, Meghnaa Tallapragada, and Ariel Hasell will be presenting research, much of which was also worked on with other APPC researchers and visiting scholars. Both Jamieson and Tallapragada will also be speaking on panels during the four-day conference.
The theme for the NCA’s 2016 convention is “Communication’s Civic Callings.” More information about the NCA Annual Convention can be found here. See below for a schedule of presentations and panels involving APPC researchers.

Thursday, November 10
3:30pm – 4:45pm Group Communication: More than Decision Making or Problem Solving (Room 608)
- Meghnaa Tallapragada – Panelist
Friday, November 11
9:30am – 10:45am Competitive Papers in Political Communication: Identity and Ideology (Room 404)
- Heather Akin and Kathleen Hall Jamieson – “Leveraging, involving, and visualizing to minimize identity-protective cognition about climate change” (Co-author: APPC Distinguished Research Fellow Bruce Hardy)
11am – 12:15pm Environmental Communication and the Flint Water Crisis: A Civic Calling for a Cross Discipline (Salon E)
- Ariel Hasell – “Corroded Cover-Up: An Examination of Social Media Discussion of the Flint Water Crisis”
Saturday, November 12
2pm – 3:15pm Senior Scholar Spotlight Panel: What Just Happened? A Presidential Election Postmortem (Grand Salon A)
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson – Panelist (other panelists include APPC Distinguished Research Fellows R. Lance Holbert and Natalie Jomini Stroud)
Sunday, November 13
8am – 9:15am Competitive Papers in Political Communication: Political News Media (Grand Salon A)
- Ariel Hasell – “Shared outrage? Partisan news, emotions, and news dissemination on Twitter”
Click here for information about members from the Annenberg School for Communication who will also be presenting.