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Declining visibility of tobacco use on TV linked to drop in smoking rates

The declining visibility of tobacco products on prime-time U.S. broadcast television shows is linked to a drop in smoking of nearly two packs of cigarettes per adult per year, according to a study by Annenberg Public Policy Center researchers published online in the journal Tobacco Control. The study found that the drop in portrayals of smoking and tobacco use in TV dramas mirrored the decline in consumption

Annenberg arts fellow Richard Mosse honored by Foreign Policy as ‘Global Thinker’

Photographer and filmmaker Richard Mosse, a 2008 Leonore Annenberg Arts Fellow, has been named one of Foreign Policy magazine’s “Leading Global Thinkers” of 2013. Mosse is featured for his innovative photographic vision among some of the world’s most influential people, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Secretary of State John Kerry, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Pope Francis.

Amy Jordan

Amy Jordan elected president of the ICA

Amy Jordan, Ph.D., associate director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, has been elected President Elect-Select of the International Communication Association, the leading international organization devoted to scholarship in the field of communication. Dr. Jordan will assume the presidency of the ICA, which has 4,700 members in 86 countries, in 2015.

Annenberg Classroom documentary garners awards

Annenberg Classroom’s documentary “Search and Seizure: Mapp v. Ohio” has been chosen for a Chris Statuette award, to be presented in November at the 61st annual awards ceremony of the Columbus International Film + Video Festival. The 25-minute film, produced by The Documentary Group, explores the landmark Fourth Amendment case in which the U.S. Supreme

Report: Congress Could Make America Safer

On the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a bipartisan task force of homeland-security experts, government officials and former members of the 9/11 Commission has released a report outlining the need for stronger and clearer Congressional oversight of national security.

Amy Jordan awarded NCA teaching honor

Amy Jordan, Ph.D., associate director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, has been awarded a top teaching honor from the National Communication Association. Dr. Jordan was presented with the 2013 NCA Mass Comm. Division Teaching Award, honoring her “dedication and commitment to excellence in teaching and mentoring,” at the NCA’s 99th annual convention in Washington,