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The Glass Ceiling Persists: The Third Annual APPC Report on Women Leaders in Communication Companies

Companies with more women on boards of directors also tend to have more women in executive positions, more women-friendly benefits packages, and better maternity leave, according to the third annual report on women leaders in communication companies conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania. The report also found that

Women Fail to Crack the Glass Ceiling In Communication Companies

Men Still Hold Vast Majority of Board and Executive Positions within Entertainment, Telecommunication, Cable, Publishing and E- Companies Fewer than one in five board members of the largest communication companies are women, according to the second annual analysis of women in communication companies conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

Leave No Superintendent Behind

Urban School Improvement As Seen From the Trenches: Is the National Debate addressing the real issues? The panel discussion showcased some leading urban superintendents and their concerns about current proposals for education reform and their suggestions on where the national debate needs to go.