The APPC community mourns the passing of statesman George P. Shultz, who delivered an Annenberg lecture, took part in Sunnylands retreats, and was a friend of the Annenbergs.

The APPC community mourns the passing of statesman George P. Shultz, who delivered an Annenberg lecture, took part in Sunnylands retreats, and was a friend of the Annenbergs.
At a virtual celebration of Benjamin Franklin's 315th birthday, APPC Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson was honored with the 2021 Franklin Founder Award.
Serious independent journalism is fighting for its survival on multiple fronts, former New York Times Co. CEO Mark Thompson said in the 2020 Annenberg Lecture.
APPC director Kathleen Hall Jamieson was awarded the 2020 Public Welfare Medal from the National Academy of Sciences during a virtual ceremony.
APPC Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson and immunologist Carl June of the Perelman School of Medicine were elected Monday as members of the National Academy of Sciences.
APPC hosted USC Annenberg's Election Cybersecurity Initiative, part of a 50-state touring program on cyber safety for election and campaign officials and press.
University of Delaware scholar Danna Young spoke at APPC about her new book, “Irony and Outrage: The Polarized Landscape of Rage, Fear, and Laughter in the United States.”