On Nov. 13-14, representatives of Annenberg Classroom and other partners in the Civics Renewal Network will take part in the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference in New Orleans, the nation’s largest social studies conference.

The Civics Renewal Network (CRN) will be organizing a #FindtheFounders scavenger hunt for teachers attending the conference. CRN partners with booths in the exhibition hall will have “Proud Partner of the Civics Renewal Network” signs with an illustration of one of our nation’s founders. By finding and photographing at least 10 signs, teachers will be able to claim a prize at the Annenberg Classroom booth (732). They can also be entered in a drawing for one of two $50 Amazon gift cards by signing up for the CRN monthly newsletter.
CRN is also holding a teacher session called “26 Sure-Fire Ideas for Teaching Civics,” a fast-paced session with ideas for bringing civics education to the classroom, one for each of the members of the Civics Renewal Network. The session will be on Saturday Nov. 14 from 8-8:50 a.m., Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 212. Several of the individual CRN partners also have teacher sessions planned.
CRN partners that are participating in the NCSS conference either by exhibiting at booths or by leading teacher sessions include:
- Annenberg Classroom
- American Bar Association
- Annenberg Learner
- Bill of Rights Institute
- Center for Civic Education
- Constitutional Rights Foundation
- George Washington’s Mount Vernon
- Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
- iCivics
- James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
- Library of Congress
- National Constitution Center
- National History Day
The Civics Renewal Network (CRN) is a partnership of 26 nonprofit, nonpartisan organizations working to create and provide free online resources for civics education in the classroom, increase the visibility of civics education, and create more knowledgeable and engaged citizens. Annenberg Classroom, a project of the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics at the Annenberg Public Policy Center, provides resources for civics education and connects curriculum to current events and discussions.