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ARCI Partner Wins Telly Award for HIV-Testing Ad

A public service announcement that promotes HIV awareness to young African-Americans has been awarded a silver Telly Award – the top award given by the Tellys – in an international competition honoring video productions and commercials. The ad, which sends the message that anyone can be affected and that no one is immune, was produced by MEE Productions Inc. of

Holiday-Suicide Link: Newspapers Continue to Perpetuate the Myth

Despite no basis in fact, newspapers continue to report on the increased risk of suicide around the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays. An analysis of newspaper reporting over the past seven years released today by the Annenberg Public Policy Center shows that this story represents about half of all holiday-relevant suicide reporting. Stories linking

Likelihood of HPV Vaccination Affected by How Information Is Presented, Penn Study Reveals

The way that the vaccine for human papillomavirus is described can affect whether women decide to seek vaccination, according to a study by researchers at the Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. The research was presented in Boston at the American Association for Cancer Research’s

Holiday Suicide Reporting Gets More Accurate

The Media and the Holiday Suicide Myth: Press Reporting of the Link Declines The percentage of stories debunking the holiday-suicide myth has more than doubled since 1999. Based on a review of over 300 stories published over a six-year period there has been a drop in the number of stories in which the holiday-suicide link