"If Your Adolescent Has an Eating Disorder," a guide for parents developed by the Adolescent Mental Health Initiative, is now available here as a free PDF download.
Mental health

Women of Childbearing Age More Doubtful About Safety of Flu, Covid-19 Vaccines During Pregnancy
The policy center's spring 2023 ASAPH report finds that women of childbearing age are more likely than other adults to doubt the safety of vaccination against Covid-19 and flu during pregnancy.

Seasonal Changes in Adolescent Suicide Explain Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Findings
An analysis of weekly suicide data finds that seasonal fluctuations can explain controversial findings that the adolescent suicide rate increased with release of “13 Reasons Why."

The Undying Holiday-Suicide Myth
The false claim that the suicide rate rises during the year-end holiday season persisted in some news coverage through the 2021-22 holidays, according to data analyzed by APPC.

Targeting Impulsivity Early in Adolescence Could Prevent Later Behavioral Disorders
A new study details the complex pathway connecting impulsivity, alcohol use, and antisocial behavior, supporting the importance of early intervention.