Serious independent journalism is fighting for its survival on multiple fronts, former New York Times Co. CEO Mark Thompson said in the 2020 Annenberg Lecture.

Serious independent journalism is fighting for its survival on multiple fronts, former New York Times Co. CEO Mark Thompson said in the 2020 Annenberg Lecture.
Users of conservative or social media in the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak were more likely to be misinformed about how to prevent the virus and believe conspiracy theories about it. Director Eugene Kiely met with a dozen international journalists in February through a U.S. State Department tour aimed at debunking misinformation.
APPC researchers will present work in science, media, political, and health communication in Washington, D.C., at the 69th Annual ICA Conference.
NBC's Denver TV station, KUSA, was presented with the 2019 Cronkite/Jackson Prize for Fact-Checking Political Messages at the Cronkite Awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.
The news literacy game NewsFeed Defenders, developed by APPC and iCivics, has been named a finalist in Fast Company's 2019 World Changing Ideas Awards.
KUSA 9News won the 2019 Brooks Jackson Prize for Fact-Checking Political Messages, one of the Walter Cronkite Awards announced by USC's Norman Lear Center and APPC.
The Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression held its inaugural meeting at Ditchley Park, the historic U.K. estate.