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In Election’s Closing Days, Ad Campaign Urges Battleground Stations to Reject Deceptive Outside Group Ads and Increase On-Air and Online Fact Checking

To remind radio and TV stations in battleground markets of their right to reject deceptive outside group ads and to thank those that have been fact checking deceptive political content,, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC), will spend $40,000 airing a version of this radio ad (transcript below) across 10 battleground

A Snapshot of Public Views of Candidate Foreign Policy Positions and Claims on the Eve of the 3rd Presidential Debate

On the eve of the third and final presidential debate, a survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center reveals foreign policy vulnerabilities for each contender. Over four in ten believe that the Republican nominee would be more likely than President Barack Obama to take the country into war (Romney: 44.0%; Obama: 18.8%). A majority thinks

Annenberg Public Policy Center calculates dollars spent by third-party groups on deceptive TV ads attacking or supporting the presidential candidates

Drawing on spending estimates from Kantar Media CMAG and the fact-checking of the major fact-checking sites, the Annenberg Public Policy Center has found that from April 10, 2012 when Mitt Romney became the presumptive nominee of the Republican party (according to Kantar Media CMAG) through September 20, 2012, an estimated 27.8 percent of the dollars

High Percent of Presidential Ad Dollars of Top Four 501(c)(4)s Backed Ads Containing Deception, Annenberg Study Finds

An analysis by the Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted for the Center for Responsive Politics found that from December 1, 2011 through June 1, 2012, 85% of the dollars spent on presidential ads by four top-spending third-party groups known as 501(c)(4)s were spent on ads containing at least one claim ruled deceptive by fact-checkers at