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Electing the President, 2008, now available

Since 1992 the Annenberg Public Policy Center has held presidential election debriefings gathering top Republican and Democratic campaign strategists to offer their insights following Election Day. Now APPC has released Electing the President, 2008 (Penn Press), its third debriefing book sharing insider analysis captured at the event. Unlike earlier books, a DVD featuring selected video is

APPC Contributes to Consumer Privacy Study Contradicting Claims That Americans Want Tailored Advertising

Annenberg Public Policy Center researchers Amy Bleakley and Michael Hennessy served as co-authors of a study directed by Annenberg School for Communication Professor Joseph Turow suggesting that the majority of Americans (66 percent) are opposed to advertising tailored to their interests, despite marketers’ claims to the contrary. A collaborative effort of the Berkeley Center for Law

Incivility in American Politics Discussed (Politely) in Washington

The increasing polarization of political debate was the subject of a Penn Conference on Civility and American Politics Monday on Capitol Hill. The event was sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, the Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise Institute. Among those participating in the event were Penn President Amy Gutmann, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the

Incivility in American Politics Discussed (Politely) in Washington

The increasing polarization of political debate was the subject of a Penn Conference on Civility and American Politics Monday on Capitol Hill. The event was sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, the Brookings Institution and the American Enterprise Institute. Among those participating in the event were Penn President Amy Gutmann, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of