Exposure to anti-vax tweets was followed by negative vaccination attitudes and behavior – but not among people who discussed vaccination with others.
Social media
Transatlantic Group Promotes Regime of Online Transparency and Accountability
Speaking in Zoom panels, members of the Transatlantic Working Group have promoted online transparency and accountability for digital platforms.
Transatlantic Group Urges Transparency and Accountability for Digital Platforms
In a new report, the Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression urges adoption of a flexible regulatory framework with greater transparency and accountability to curb online hate speech, violent extremism, and viral deception.
YouTube to Feature FactCheck.org Articles in Effort to Combat Misinformation
YouTube will highlight fact-checks from FactCheck.org and other sources in an expanded U.S. effort to correct misinformation on Covid-19 and other topics.
Use of Conservative and Social Media Linked with COVID-19 Misinformation
Users of conservative or social media in the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak were more likely to be misinformed about how to prevent the virus and believe conspiracy theories about it.
Polarizing Tweets by Russian Trolls on Vaccination Targeted Groups in 2016
In the 2016 election cycle, Russian Twitter trolls sent targeted pro- and anti-vaccination tweets via various fake persona types, poisoning the kind of crisis communications that may be critical today in the coronavirus pandemic.
Viewership Soars for Misleading Tobacco Videos on YouTube
Misleading videos about tobacco use are widespread on YouTube, where views of popular pro-tobacco videos have soared in recent years, a study from the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds.
Vaccine Misinformation and Social Media
People who rely on social media for information were more likely to be misinformed about vaccines than those who rely on traditional media, according to new research by the Annenberg Public Policy Center.
TWG Bellagio Conference Explores Online Transparency and Artificial Intelligence
At their third and final conference, members of the Transatlantic Working Group on content moderation met at Bellagio, Italy, to examine issues involving artificial intelligence and online transparency.