Kathleen Hall Jamieson addressed state and local policy makers on science communication and finding reliable research to help with issues like a measles outbreak and the opioid crisis.
Trust in science

Science Media Monitor Nos. 2 & 3: How Media Cover Gene Editing & Retractions
The Annenberg Public Policy Center has released two Science Media Monitor reports on how the media cover ethical questions on gene editing, and scientific retractions.

Extreme Weather and Climate Skeptics Are Research Focus of APPC Postdocs
Experiencing extreme weather is not enough to convince climate change skeptics that humans are damaging the environment, according to a new study based on APPC research.

National Academies Report on GMOs Influences Tone of Public Debate
Public sentiment on GMOs shifted following the release of a consensus report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, a study finds.

Science Media Monitor Aims to Improve Public Understanding of Science
APPC has launched the Annenberg Science Media Monitor to analyze the content of news reporting on science. The first report focuses on coverage of scientific discovery.

Crisis or Self-correction: Rethinking How the Media Cover Science
An analysis in PNAS of how the media cover science considers whether scientific self-correction is contributing to a flawed narrative and inadvertently undermining public trust in science.

Understanding Evolution Leads to Greater Acceptance of It
Research from two APPC distinguished research fellows shows that Americans' understanding of evolution - as well as their politics and/or religion - is tied to their acceptance or rejection of it.

Video: Jamieson Moderates Sackler Panel on Threats to Science’s Reputation
APPC Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson moderated a panel focusing on threats to science's reputation at the National Academy of Sciences Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium on the Science of Science Communication.

The Role of Language in Discussing the Life Sciences
In an article for the journal Politics and the Life Sciences, Kathleen Hall Jamieson looks at the role that language plays when science is conveyed to the public. Examples include the outbreak of "mad cow" disease in Britain.