What are the limits of free speech? A classroom discussion for Constitution Day (Education Week, September 17th, 2019)
In our opinion: Today is Constitution Day. Do you know what it says? (Deseret News, September 17th, 2019)
Study: 1-in-5 Americans cannot name all three branches of government (KTRH-AM (Houston, TX), September 17th, 2019)
Our View: Founders’ gift to US still solid after 232 years (Observer-Dispatch (Utica, NY), September 17th, 2019)
Americans’ civics knowledge increases but still has a long way to go (Penn Today, September 16th, 2019)
A not yet fully developed working memory may explain teens’ higher risk of car crashes, study suggests (MinnPost, September 16th, 2019)
Slower memory development in adolescents associated with motor vehicle crashes (Psychiatric News, September 16th, 2019)
They went to a Phillies game for another American tradition: to become U.S. citizens (Inquirer.com, September 15th, 2019)
Fatal car crashes are way more likely with teens behind the wheel—but is inexperience really to blame? (Popular Science, September 13th, 2019)
Slower working memory in adolescence associated with motor vehicle crashes (MedicalResearch.com, September 13th, 2019)
Do teen drivers crash more because they’re reckless – or is it their brains? (The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 13th, 2019)
Teenage drivers may crash more because their memories are ‘underdeveloped’ and not as good at multi-tasking or spotting hazards, study claims (Daily Mail, September 13th, 2019)
Opinion: Students should learn from the Hong Kong protestors (The State Press (Arizona State University), September 13th, 2019)
Civics survey: 1 In 5 Americans can’t name single branch of U.S. government (Study Finds, September 12th, 2019)
Americans know more about civics, but numbers still ‘dismally’ low, researchers say (Education Week, September 12th, 2019)
Opinion: Before I became a judge, baseball made me a part of my community after moving from Puerto Rico (The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12th, 2019)
Facebook wants to fight teen suicide. Experts aren’t sure they’re doing it right (MIT Technology Review, September 11th, 2019)
Trump again said he helped at ground zero immediately following the 9/11 attacks (USA Today, September 11th, 2019)