Va. Festival of the Book events examine social media, celebrate women [video] (WVIR NBC29 (Charlottesville, VA), March 20th, 2019)
Trump’s lies: From the mask that conceals lonely childhood to the risk of being impeached at “peak” [Vietnamese] (Soha (Vietnam), March 19th, 2019)
Fact Check: Spinning the national emergency [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, March 14th, 2019)
Measles outbreaks point to need for mandatory vaccination (Policy Options (Canada), March 13th, 2019)
An unvaccinated Oregon boy got tetanus and spent 57 days in the hospital, costing over $800K (Forbes, March 8th, 2019)
Fact check: How the Trump administration is spinning economic growth numbers (USA Today, March 7th, 2019)
Forget fake news stories. False text posts are getting massive engagement on Facebook. (Poynter, March 6th, 2019)
You have questions about Robert Mueller’s investigation. Here are the answers (TIME, March 5th, 2019)