Colin Kaepernick didn’t vote. Why it’s hard to get young people to cast ballots (The Modesto Bee, October 14th, 2018)
Trump defends family separation as a tactic to discourage undocumented immigration (Splinter, October 14th, 2018)
Kathleen Jamieson and the role of fake news in the Trump election [Brazil] (, October 14th, 2018)
MSNBC panelists lay out damning evidence of collusion: ‘Trump was signaling to the Russians’ (Raw Story, October 12th, 2018)
Fact-checking Trump’s Medicare op-ed [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, October 11th, 2018)
USA Today finds ‘false and misleading statements’ after fact checking its Trump op-ed on health care (Newsweek, October 11th, 2018)
Opinion: Is it possible to get past politics and unite behind religious freedom? (Deseret News, October 11th, 2018)
This prominent Penn prof didn’t believe Russia got Trump elected. Here’s what changed her mind (, October 9th, 2018)
Russia’s 2016 cyberattack: What we do, don’t, and may never know [audio] (The Diane Rehm Show, October 9th, 2018)
Opinion: Mitch McConnell has done grave damage to all three branches of government (, October 9th, 2018)