The Cybersecurity 202: Congress poised to allow DHS to take the lead on federal cybersecurity (The Washington Post, September 25th, 2018)
Brett Kavanaugh: Key differences between Anita Hill, Christine Ford Supreme Court scandals (USA Today, September 25th, 2018)
Politico Playbook PM: Jane Mayer: ‘How Russia helped swing the election for Trump’’ (Politico (Playbook), September 24th, 2018)
Is Donald Trump’s border wall already being built? Construction begins in Texas on 4-mile-long section costing $22 million (Newsweek, September 24th, 2018)
What is Trump doing to stop Russian election interference? [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 21st, 2018)
We love our Constitution, despite knowing little about it (KMUW 89.1 (Wichita, KS), September 19th, 2018)
Trump: ‘Gorgeous wall’ at Flight 93 memorial inspiration for border wall (, September 19th, 2018)
How many refugees are admitted to the U.S.? The Trump admin is slashing the number again (Elite Daily, September 18th, 2018)
Can you name the 3 branches of government? If so, you’re smarter than two-thirds of the population (The Morning Call, September 18th, 2018)
National Constitution Center hosts free Constitution Day celebration (CBS Philadelphia, September 17th, 2018)
Constitution Day 2018: Americans must choose whether it matters (Communities Digital News, September 17th, 2018)
Fact check: Trump’s false claim on Puerto Rico deaths [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 14th, 2018)