Opinion: Monitoring fake news sites is necessary (Pinal Central (Casa Grande, AZ), February 16th, 2018)
Assault rifle purchases easy for most Metro residents (41 Action News KSHB (Kansas City, MO), February 15th, 2018)
Leonore Annenberg fellow Richard Mosse’s photos on view at Arcadia University (Inquirer.com, February 15th, 2018)
Arizona GOP Senate candidate promotes endorsement from fake news website: report (The Hill, February 14th, 2018)
Opinion: High school curriculum should include a citizenship test (The Daily Nebraskan, February 13th, 2018)
No, Donald Trump didn’t cancel funding for Barack Obama presidential library (PolitiFact, February 12th, 2018)
Fact check: Trump’s misleading DACA boast [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, February 9th, 2018)
What some reporters get wrong about the First Amendment (Columbia Journalism Review, February 5th, 2018)
Trump takes undue credit on black unemployment [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, February 2nd, 2018)
Trump says his State of the Union viewership was ‘the highest number in history.’ He’s wrong (CNBC, February 1st, 2018)
Arts fellow Herman Aguirre gives shape to the life and death of his people (WickedLocal.com, February 1st, 2018)
Proposed bill would require students to pass civics exam to get diploma [video] (KCRG-TV9, January 31st, 2018)
“I have the best words.” How Trump’s first SOTU compares to all the others. (BuzzFeed News, January 31st, 2018)
Donald Trump made 12 false claims in his State of the Union address (Toronto Star, January 31st, 2018)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson to talk about how Russian hackers & trolls exploited US media in 2016 (PR Newswire, January 30th, 2018)