Column: Students like free speech as long as they like the speech (Chicago Tribune, September 22nd, 2017)
Commentary: The First Amendment demands other-centered perspective (, September 22nd, 2017)
Opinion: The failure of civics education (Flypaper - Thomas B. Fordham Institute, September 21st, 2017)
Fact Check: Will California allow HIV+ people to donate blood? (Reno Gazette-Journal, September 21st, 2017)
Pelosi, Feinstein facing challengers amid protests from their left (San Francisco Chronicle, September 21st, 2017)
The jobs boast in Trump’s UN speech was wrong [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 21st, 2017)
DACA: Debunking the myths, clarifying the facts, and questioning its future (Her Campus, September 20th, 2017)
Paper: Even after debunking, misinformation and ‘fake news’ persist (Illinois News Bureau, September 20th, 2017)
Donald Trump UN speech: Typical rhetoric raises tensions with North Korea and Iran (Deutsche Welle (DW), September 19th, 2017)
More than a third of Americans have no idea what the First Amendment says (Reason, September 19th, 2017)
Tens of millions of Americans do not believe Muslims and atheists have First Amendment rights, study finds (The Independent (UK), September 19th, 2017)
Philadelphia schools celebrate Constitution Day with fun activities and events (The Notebook, September 19th, 2017)
Muslim citizens are protected by the Constitution, yet an alarming number of Americans disagree (Bustle, September 19th, 2017)