In the age of information, our ignorance is a choice (The Big Smoke (Australia), September 7th, 2017)
Personal reflections, naturalizations honor Constitution and Citizenship Day (United States Courts, September 7th, 2017)
Trump and Sessions spin the facts on DACA [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 7th, 2017)
FactCheck: Does police acquisition of military surplus reduce crime? (Tucson Sentinel, September 5th, 2017)
Did Charlottesville officers say that fatal car attack driver did not act maliciously? (, September 2nd, 2017)
Pence is the latest Trump official to be doing stuff a president used to do (The Huffington Post, September 1st, 2017)
Harvey boosts media confidence for linking extreme weather to global warming (Physics Today, September 1st, 2017)
Sanders says it’s ‘pretty dumb’ not to use Harvey to discuss climate change (The Daily Caller, September 1st, 2017)
Tampa Bay talents, including Leonore Annenberg fellow Calvin Royal III, making big moves (Creative Loafing (Tampa Bay, FL), August 31st, 2017)
Leonore Annenberg fellow Michelle Ross returns with Utah festival (Salt Lake Magazine, August 30th, 2017)
Trump rewrites history on Charlottesville [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, August 25th, 2017)