You could change your mind. Or maybe (comforting thought!) you could just let Facebook do it for you (Nieman Lab, September 15th, 2017)
Just 14% of Americans name freedom of press as a right guaranteed by First Amendment (American Press Institute, September 15th, 2017)
Kris Kobach’s bogus ‘proof’ of voter fraud [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 15th, 2017)
Poll: Almost 4 out of 10 Americans cannot name a single right under the First Amendment (Jonathan Turley, September 15th, 2017)
Ignorance isn’t bliss – it’s frightening. How dangerous is American anti-intellectualism? (Psychology Today, September 14th, 2017)
Constitution Day: We the people still don’t know much about the Constitution (Education Week, September 14th, 2017)
Survey finds most Americans aren’t aware of how the government works [audio] (FOX News Radio, September 14th, 2017)
‘What’s in First Amendment’ among questions that stump Americans (Belleview News-Democrat, September 14th, 2017)
Educators need to make Constitution, Bill Of Rights a priority (The Post-Journal (Jamestown, NY), September 14th, 2017)
37 percent of Americans can’t name any of the rights guaranteed by First Amendment: Survey (The Washington Times, September 13th, 2017)
Survey: Can you answer this basic civics question that stumps most Americans? (The Blaze, September 13th, 2017)
Opinion: Understanding foundations of government (News Tribune (Jefferson City, MO), September 13th, 2017)
37 percent of Americans don’t know what the First Amendment does (Death and Taxes, September 13th, 2017)