Memes and fake news are destroying our ability to fight Zika, study says (Miami New Times, February 2nd, 2017)
Yes, politics can make us stupid. But there’s an important exception to that rule. (Vox, February 1st, 2017)
Politics has most Americans polarized. Here’s who is most open-minded. (The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 30th, 2017)
“Science curious” more likely to explore data contradicting their world view (Ars Technica, January 30th, 2017)
People who are curious about science are more open-minded about politics (Seeker, January 30th, 2017)
PG-13 movies include more shooting scenes than R-rated movies [Japanese] (Gigazine, January 29th, 2017)
One man’s assault is another man’s meme: The Internet’s new political cartoons (The Los Angeles Times, January 27th, 2017)
Anti-abortion marchers from Pa. happy for support from Trump Administration (WHYY, January 26th, 2017)