So much for ‘The Year of the Woman’. What do men want, anyway? (The Sacramento Bee, November 2nd, 2016)
You’re probably tired of the presidential race, but long campaigns are a good thing (The Los Angeles Times, November 2nd, 2016)
Annenberg study: Pope Francis’ climate change encyclical backfired among conservative Catholics (The Daily Pennsylvanian, November 2nd, 2016)
Interactive: in this campaign, for each lie told by Clinton, Trump launched four [Spanish] (Univision, November 1st, 2016)
‘I do not like either candidate’: voters’ unchanged sentiments on display at North Carolina focus group (The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire, November 1st, 2016)
Pro-Trump group’s claim about gender pay gap in Clinton’s Senate office (The Washington Post, October 31st, 2016)
Hoax, lie, or truth? 6 websites that can help with resolving them [Czech] ( (Czech Republic), October 30th, 2016)
The Week in Fact-Checking: hits the fact-checking lottery (American Press Institute, October 28th, 2016)
Pope’s message on climate change trumped by party affiliations in US (Ars Technica, October 28th, 2016)
The pope tried to convince skeptical US Catholics that climate change is real. Here’s why he failed. (Vox, October 28th, 2016)
Fact check: Trump on undocumented immigrants and voting [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, October 28th, 2016)
Fact check: Clinton on the 2008 Heller decision [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, October 28th, 2016)
Another great extinction and is anyone listening to ‘Laudato Si’? (America Magazine, October 27th, 2016)
Helping you decide: Where Trump and Clinton stand on immigration issues (, October 27th, 2016)