Lies prevail, giving birth to a historic moment of “fact-checking” [Chinese] (Initium (Hong Kong), October 24th, 2016)
Despite papal letter, Catholics and public divided on climate change (San Antonio Express News, October 24th, 2016)
Pope Francis’ call for climate action fails to sway many Americans (Yale Environment 360, October 24th, 2016)
Pope Francis’s edict on climate change has fallen on closed ears, study finds (The Guardian, October 24th, 2016)
Here are the figures Trump does not like to talk about [Norwegian] (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), October 24th, 2016)
Voter fraud is extremely rare, hard to accomplish, researchers say (Voice of America, October 22nd, 2016)
4 fact checks from the final presidential debate [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, October 21st, 2016)
Myths and realities of the rigging of the presidential election [French] (La Presse (Canada), October 21st, 2016)
Truths and falsehoods of two candidates who most do not trust [Portuguese] (Expresso (Portugal), October 21st, 2016)
Blue Ribbon biodefense panel urges Congress to centralize focus on DHS (Homeland Security Today, October 20th, 2016)
Trump says doctors ‘rip the baby out of the womb’ in late-term abortions (International Business Times, October 20th, 2016)