Just can’t win: Women seen either as too meek or too aggressive as leaders [audio] (Minnesota Public Radio, September 14th, 2016)
New survey on civic knowledge finds one-third of respondents cannot name all three branches of government (Education World, September 14th, 2016)
An open letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates: Bring on instant replay! (Salon, September 13th, 2016)
Why moderators aren’t the best option for fact-checking debates (Columbia Journalism Review, September 12th, 2016)
Clinton health scare shows how both candidates have avoided close media coverage (Bloomberg Politics, September 11th, 2016)
Editorial: State should ban assault weapons, high-capacity magazines (The Daily Herald (Everett, WA), September 11th, 2016)
Real-life ‘Spotlight’ editor Marty Baron talks movie and career at Fels event (The Daily Pennsylvanian, September 9th, 2016)
Fact-checking Clinton after an FBI report on her emails [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 9th, 2016)
Donald Trump wants you to think he tells it like it is. His Iraq War lies show he doesn’t. (PolicyMic, September 8th, 2016)
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made some inaccurate claims during the NBC forum (The Huffington Post, September 8th, 2016)