Expert offers advice on how media should respond to Trump’s latest attack [audio] (CBS Philadelphia, August 15th, 2016)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson: Viewers seek media with similar beliefs [video] (Matter of Fact, August 13th, 2016)
As New York fights Zika virus, officials turn their focus to sex (The New York Times, August 12th, 2016)
Things Donald Trump has changed his mind about [Norway] (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), August 12th, 2016)
A detailed look at the claim that Obama ‘founded’ ISIS (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, August 12th, 2016)
Clinton falsely accuses Trump of calling Zika outbreak ‘insignificant issue’ (Sputnik, August 11th, 2016)
New emails raise questions about ties between Clinton Foundation and State Dept. (NPR, August 10th, 2016)
Donald Trump is wrong – Police shootings are not at a record level (The Huffington Post, August 6th, 2016)
CNN’s Tapper calls out Clinton for emails lies: You’re not entitled ‘to your own facts’ (The Daily Caller, August 5th, 2016)
Fact checking Clinton’s public statements on her emails [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, August 4th, 2016)