Teachers from around the nation study the 2016 election and the presidency (The Notebook, July 21st, 2016)
People want GMO food labeled — which is pretty much all they know about GMOs (The Washington Post, July 21st, 2016)
Indiana’s economy isn’t the conservative success story Mike Pence is telling (ThinkProgress, July 21st, 2016)
Zombie facts and the political conventions: Don’t let the untruths invade your brains (American Press Institute, July 20th, 2016)
Fact-checking the second day of the 2016 Republican National Convention (The Washington Post, July 19th, 2016)
What the candidates (and journalists) can learn from the 1948 Democratic Convention (Smithsonian.com, July 19th, 2016)
If you haven’t tuned in to the RNC yet, here are 13 reasons why you should (Upworthy, July 19th, 2016)
FactCheck: Surrogates deny Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama (Tucson Sentinel, July 19th, 2016)
Everything you need to know about yesterday’s chaotic first day at the RNC (Lifehacker, July 19th, 2016)
Political outsiders, not GOP heavyweights, will tell ‘personal story’ of Trump at convention (The Washington Times, July 17th, 2016)