Was Hillary Clinton wrong on the marijuana research laws? (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, April 29th, 2016)
Two Filipinas take lead role in Joffrey Ballet’s ‘Cinderella’ [Philippines] (Inquirer.net, April 27th, 2016)
Donald Trump cherry-picked data about insurance rates under Obamacare (The Huffington Post, April 26th, 2016)
Fact-checking Ted Cruz’s claim that he’s an ‘outsider’ like Bernie Sanders (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, April 22nd, 2016)
Here’s why you should unplug while watching presidential debates (The Huffington Post, April 19th, 2016)
Grant brings new learning opportunities to students, parents (The Tallahassee Democrat, April 17th, 2016)
How does this foundation transition emerging artists into professional adulthood? (Inside Philanthropy, April 17th, 2016)
How many of New York’s seized guns began in Vermont? (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, April 14th, 2016)