What you need to know – nothing more – about the 2016 presidential election (RedEye, January 29th, 2016)
Fact Check: Was Obama correct in saying that wind power is now cheaper than fossil fuels? (Jacksonville.com, January 28th, 2016)
Live audiences make spectacle of presidential debates (The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 28th, 2016)
Archive of 35,000 TV political ads launched, creating a badly needed way to hold politicians accountable (Open Culture, January 27th, 2016)
Why does the entire Minnesota delegation want to kill a key part of Obamacare? (MinnPost, January 26th, 2016)
Donald Trump jokes he could murder someone in public and still win the election (PolicyMic, January 23rd, 2016)
A new, free tool that’s like x-ray glasses for political ads (PBS NewsHour Online, January 22nd, 2016)
Fact checking Donald Trump on Iran and Chelsea Clinton on health care (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, January 22nd, 2016)