Penn survey: Half of Americans concerned Zika will spread to where they live (PhillyVoice, February 23rd, 2016)
CDC confirms sex as culprit in spread of worrisome Zika virus to 14 Americans (, February 23rd, 2016)
A conspiracy theory links the Gates foundation to the spread of Zika virus. Don’t believe it. (The Huffington Post, February 23rd, 2016)
Fact-checking Cruz on Rubio and Trump on same-sex marriage (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, February 19th, 2016)
How healthy are your TV shows? Annenberg study tracks healthy behavior in programs (The Daily Pennsylvanian, February 18th, 2016)
Into the mosh pit: Republican campaign talk gets nastier (U.S. News & World Report, February 15th, 2016)
Donald Trump has a point when he says debate audiences are out to get him (The Washington Post, February 15th, 2016)
The rhetoric of the Republican campaign is getting tougher [U.S.-Spanish] (Terra, February 15th, 2016)
Polls, stats and parodies: The 10 must-follow websites of the 2016 presidential election (PCWorld, February 15th, 2016)
Fact checker: “As long as politicians open their mouths, I’ll have a job” (, February 13th, 2016)
The grandchildren of Grandpa Bernie, nostalgic for Europe [Italian] (la Repubblica (Italy), February 12th, 2016)