The grandchildren of Grandpa Bernie, nostalgic for Europe [Italian] (la Repubblica (Italy), February 12th, 2016)
Fact-checking Donald Trump’s claim of a 42% unemployment rate (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, February 12th, 2016)
Will anyone challenge John Kasich’s jobs claim?: Why his numbers don’t add up (Salon, February 12th, 2016)
Here’s what people say when they attack Hillary Clinton on Twitter (The Washington Post, February 9th, 2016)
Young Sanders supporters: What if Clinton wins the nomination? (The Christian Science Monitor, February 8th, 2016)
Everything you missed in the last Republican debate before New Hampshire (PolicyMic, February 7th, 2016)
The facts behind Ted Cruz’s attacks on Marco Rubio’s immigration record (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, February 5th, 2016)
As Clinton seeks to break the glass ceiling, many young feminists shrug (The Los Angeles Times, February 4th, 2016)
FactCheck: Do polls show Trump can easily beat Clinton in November? (Tucson Sentinel, February 2nd, 2016)