Specters and lies: civil society’s responsibility in the wake of Paris (Nonprofit Quarterly, November 16th, 2015)
Morning Education: More on Hillary Clinton’s controversial comment on charter schools from FactCheck.org (Politico, November 13th, 2015)
Checking Hillary Clinton’s claims on mortality study [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, November 13th, 2015)
The Proud Legacy of ‘Operation Wetback’ and 5 Other Whoppers From the GOP Debate (New York Magazine, November 11th, 2015)
Rep. Suzan Delbene (D-WA) joins front lines of Planned Parenthood fight (Crosscut, November 11th, 2015)
Fox Business opens GOP undercard debate by pushing debunked unemployment myth (Media Matters for America, November 10th, 2015)
Obama administration invokes Reagan to push for Congressional ‘end run’ on immigration (The Blaze, November 10th, 2015)