Everyone gets education when Phila. students meet with mayoral candidates (CBS Philadelphia, October 24th, 2015)
Bush cuts costs, Carson eclipses Trump in Iowa and G.O.P. frets (The New York Times, October 23rd, 2015)
Fact checking Joe Biden’s new retelling of the Osama Bin Laden raid [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, October 23rd, 2015)
Attorney for state Supreme Court candidate Dougherty wants TV stations to stop airing ad (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 23rd, 2015)
Do 9 out of 10 Nonprofits Fail as Ben Carson Asserts? No, Says Factcheck.org (Nonprofit Quarterly, October 22nd, 2015)
GOP Focus Group On Trump: ‘Sometimes He’s An Idiot’ But We Like Him (Talking Points Memo, October 21st, 2015)
Donald Trump Still Loved by Republicans Who Call Him Divisive and Sometimes ‘an Idiot’ (ABCNews.com, October 21st, 2015)
Republican Voters, in Focus Group, Express Rage at Career Politicians (The New York Times, October 21st, 2015)
The ‘Holy Grail’ of computational fact checking – and what we can do in the meantime (Poynter, October 21st, 2015)
Mayoral candidates face tough questions – from elementary students (Inquirer.com, October 21st, 2015)