Bill Clinton for vice president? The possibility of Clinton/Clinton 2016 (The Washington Times, September 14th, 2015)
Did Hillary Clinton’s colleagues know about her private email server? [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 11th, 2015)
Constitutional literacy campaign launched to promote informed citizenry (The Washington Times, September 10th, 2015)
Sarah Palin says glaciers are growing, so humans didn’t cause climate change (The Huffington Post, September 9th, 2015)
What have Bush, Clinton learned from voters’ attraction to the outsiders? (The Washington Post, September 5th, 2015)
GOP debate stage takes shape at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (The Sacramento Bee, September 5th, 2015)
Donald Trump’s questionable facts on Mexican birthrights [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 4th, 2015)
Study says negative facts don’t last long on senators’ Wikipedia pages (Associated Press, September 3rd, 2015)
Donald Trump is summer’s biggest TV hit, and ratings gold for cable news (Orlando Sentinel, September 2nd, 2015)
Hundreds of students to take ‘Preamble Challenge” at Constitution Center (, August 31st, 2015)