1 out of 10 Americans thinks owning a pet is a right guaranteed by the Constitution (The Daily Signal, September 17th, 2015)
Carly Fiorina said to exaggerate content of Planned Parenthood videos (The New York Times, September 17th, 2015)
GOP debate fact check: Trump says Mexico doesn’t have birthright citizenship (CBC News, September 17th, 2015)
National Constitutional Literacy Campaign: ‘Every Day is Constitution Day!’ (Education Week, September 17th, 2015)
Duh, or maybe woof: 12% of Americans believe the Constitution guarantees ‘the right to own a pet’ (The Washington Times, September 16th, 2015)
East Side Elementary gets $25,000 grant to boost literacy (Times Free Press (Chattanooga, TN), September 16th, 2015)
Data, politics and television: Lessons from the first Republican debate (Forbes, September 16th, 2015)
CNN hopes to capture candidates’ combative spirit in G.O.P. debate (The New York Times, September 15th, 2015)
Bill Clinton for vice president? The possibility of Clinton/Clinton 2016 (The Washington Times, September 14th, 2015)
Did Hillary Clinton’s colleagues know about her private email server? [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 11th, 2015)
Constitutional literacy campaign launched to promote informed citizenry (The Washington Times, September 10th, 2015)
Sarah Palin says glaciers are growing, so humans didn’t cause climate change (The Huffington Post, September 9th, 2015)