Penn researchers find viewers of violent TV more likely to fear crime (The Daily Pennsylvanian, March 26th, 2015)
Sean Chen, Annenberg arts nominee, performs with Chamber Orchestra (The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 24th, 2015)
Review: ‘Heidi Chronicles’ with Annenberg arts fellow Bryce Pinkham (The New York Times, March 20th, 2015)
Obama’s wrong: It’s a bad idea to force ignorant Americans to vote (The Daily Signal, March 20th, 2015)
Federal citizenship test: What should a good citizen really know about America? (FOX News, March 18th, 2015)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson: A voice for open government, vigilant voters (Twin Cities Daily Planet, March 17th, 2015)
Email, police records, reporting on allegations — all are critical to information flow (Your Houston News, March 16th, 2015)