Should Liam Neeson Have Spoken Out About the Problem of Guns in the United States? (The Huffington Post, January 22nd, 2015)
The Citizenship Test Arizona Students Must Pass to Graduate High School (Latinos Post, January 22nd, 2015)
Do Presidents Tend to Lie During the State of the Union Address? (The Huffington Post, January 21st, 2015)
President Obama draws a line in the sand with State of the Union (PBS NewsHour Online, January 21st, 2015)
View from the left: Can Hillary afford to ignore Warren's battle cry? (Daily Kos, January 17th, 2015)
State of Union: Rethinking the big speech that isn't so big anymore (U.S. News & World Report, January 16th, 2015)
Free speech or conflict? High court to hear judges fundraising case (McClatchy DC, January 16th, 2015)
To get their diploma, Arizona students must pass citizenship test (The Christian Science Monitor, January 16th, 2015)
Arizona will require high school students to pass citizenship test to graduate. Can you pass? (The Washington Post, January 16th, 2015)
Here are some of the things Chris Christie left out of his speech (The Huffington Post, January 15th, 2015)
The Problem with Exposing Kids to Sexual and Violent Content (Institute for Family Studies, January 14th, 2015)
What Focus Groups Tell Us (Or Don't) About The Invisible Primary (The Huffington Post, January 12th, 2015)
Editorial: Make civics test part of schools' required courses (Knoxville News Sentinel, January 11th, 2015)
A signal of distaste for dynasties bodes ill for Bush, Clinton (The Washington Post, January 10th, 2015)