Movies Might Desensitize Violence For Parents, Not Just Kids (Redding Record Searchlight (video), October 20th, 2014)
Why are so many graphically violent movies rated PG-13: Rating the raters (KPCC, Southern California Public Radio, October 20th, 2014)
Study Says Parents’ Media Exposure Trickles Down To Children (All Things Considered, October 20th, 2014)
When Republicans have an edge on this poll question, they usually win big (PBS NewsHour, October 20th, 2014)
Study: Parents and MPAA Raters Can Be Desensitized to Sex and Violence in Film (The Hollywood Reporter, October 19th, 2014)
Westaby Web Moment: Web site creates negative ads against Abraham Lincoln (FOX 17 West Michigan, October 16th, 2014)
How to Win after Losing: Bill Clinton, Peyton Manning, and the San Francisco Giants (Forbes, October 15th, 2014)
McConnell Claims To Have ‘Shocking’ Video Proving Grimes Is Lying. He Doesn’t. (The Huffington Post, October 15th, 2014)