Operation Ground Game: Parties drive to get out the vote in final stretch (FOX News, October 21st, 2014)
Five years on, chain email about cancer treatment rationing after age 76 is still Pants on Fire (PolitiFact, October 21st, 2014)
Parents desensitized to violence, sex in movies lax about what kids see onscreen (Examiner.com, October 21st, 2014)
Penn Researchers Find Parents Can Be Desensitized To Violence, Sex In Movies (CBS Philadelphia, October 21st, 2014)
Study finds repeated exposure to movie sex and violence makes parents cooler (A.V. Club, October 21st, 2014)
Parents ‘too desensitised to judge appropriate films for children’ (The Guardian, October 21st, 2014)
Why are so many graphically violent movies rated PG-13: Rating the raters (KPCC, Southern California Public Radio, October 20th, 2014)
Study Says Parents’ Media Exposure Trickles Down To Children (All Things Considered, October 20th, 2014)