How the Rise of Reagan Seniors Helps Republicans in November (Bloomberg Businessweek, September 25th, 2014)
Tom Cotton Tries To Rewrite History With Claim Obama ‘Hijacked’ This Bill (The Huffington Post, September 24th, 2014)
Thumbs Down: Americans’ civic literacy continues to decline (The Herald-Dispatch, September 24th, 2014)
Morrow High student attends Constitution Day in Washington, D.C. (Clayton News Daily (Georgia), September 23rd, 2014)
Many Americans Want Restrictions on Press Freedoms (Taegan Goddard's Wonk Wire, September 22nd, 2014)
Morning Plum: If Democrats lose Senate, they’ll go down fighting (The Washington Post, September 22nd, 2014)
Know Your Rights: States Push High School Civics Exam Requirement (U.S. News & World Report, September 22nd, 2014)
Republicans, More Than Democrats, See 2014 Elections as Important (The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire, September 21st, 2014)
Cressler, Sanders chosen for Constitution Day trip to D.C. (Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS), September 20th, 2014)
A shocking number of Americans don’t know basic facts about the US government (Business Insider, September 19th, 2014)