Eric Cantor’s Unusually Expensive, Surprisingly Negative Primary Campaign (National Journal, June 9th, 2014)
Stephen Colbert apologizes for inadvertently informing his viewers better than cable news (The Week, June 5th, 2014)
Stephen Colbert Apologizes To America For Actually Being A Reliable News Source (The Huffington Post, June 5th, 2014)
Stephen Colbert on being named most informative news source: “I’m incredibly sorry (The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 5th, 2014)
Study Finds Watching The Colbert Report Is More Informative Than Watching The News (, June 4th, 2014)
The Colbert Report’ more informative than traditional news sources, study finds (MarketWatch, June 3rd, 2014)
Don’t get campaign finance? Experts recommend watching more Comedy Central. (The Washington Post, June 3rd, 2014)
Colbert Report’ Did a Better Job Than News at Teaching People about Campaign Financing (The Hollywood Reporter, June 2nd, 2014)
Colbert Report’ Taught Viewers More About Super PACs Than Cable News (U.S. News & World Report, June 2nd, 2014)