New Study Links ‘The Colbert Report’ to Presidential Election Campaign Knowledge (Variety, June 2nd, 2014)
Study: Stephen Colbert More Effective Than Journalists At Explaining Campaign Financing During Last Election Cycle (Deadline Hollywood, June 2nd, 2014)
Colbert’s Audience Knows Way More About Super PACs than Cable News Viewers Do (Mediaite, June 2nd, 2014)
We’re Learning More From Stephen Colbert Than The Actual News, Study Says (The Huffington Post, June 2nd, 2014)
Penn study: Colbert’s civics lesson ‘not just a proliferation of jokes’ (, June 2nd, 2014)
Colbert Report’ Did a Better Job Than News at Teaching People about Campaign Financing (The Hollywood Reporter, June 2nd, 2014)
Colbert Report’ Taught Viewers More About Super PACs Than Cable News (U.S. News & World Report, June 2nd, 2014)
Study confirms the best way to learn about campaign financing is from Stephen Colbert (AV Club, June 2nd, 2014)
Michigan Senate GOP Candidate Twists Democrat’s Record In New Ad (The Huffington Post, May 31st, 2014)
Democratic campaign groups fight for cash, face discredit for ‘bogus’ attack ads (The Washington Times, May 26th, 2014)
Mike Allen’s “Playbook”: Over 100 congressional committees, subcommittees and other groups oversee parts of the Department of Homeland Security. (Politico, May 22nd, 2014)
National Defense Leaders Issue Call to Reform Congressional Oversight of Homeland Security (ABC News, May 22nd, 2014)
Sustaining Artists in the the 21st Century: The Leonore Annenberg Fellowship (The Huffington Post, May 15th, 2014)