Female GOP Senate Candidate Said Women Want Job Flexibility More Than Equal Pay (The Huffington Post, April 8th, 2014)
Fannie and Freddie shareholders want a say in mortgage finance reform (The Daily Caller, April 8th, 2014)
A ‘Map’ Of Smokers Shows How Far Their Influence Spans, With Implications For Better Public Policy (Medical Daily, April 6th, 2014)
Drop in Number of Smokers with Decline of Tobacco Use on Prime-Time TV Dramas (News Tonight Africa (South Africa), April 4th, 2014)
Does smoking on TV affect rates of real-life tobacco consumption? (Medical News Today, April 4th, 2014)
Tobacco less visible on prime time TV; study links trend to drop in U.S. smoking rates (The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH), April 4th, 2014)
Quitting Smoking Is Tied To Fewer TV Commercials, But Price Still Plays The Largest Role (Medical Daily, April 4th, 2014)
Tuning In And Turning Off: Absence Of Smoking On TV Has Contributed To A Decrease In Tobacco Use (RedOrbit.com, April 4th, 2014)
With Primetime Reel Life Declining Tobacco Use, Smoking Habits Fall in Real Life Too (Onlymyhealth (New Delhi), April 4th, 2014)
Study: Fewer Cases of Smoking on TV Screens May Be Tied to Overall Drop in U.S. Smoking Rates (New Public Health, RWJF, April 4th, 2014)
Study: Cigarette Sales Decline as TV Features Fewer Smokers (The Hollywood Reporter, April 3rd, 2014)