The Tax Man Should Cometh: How I learned to stop worrying and love audits (Newsweek, April 16th, 2010)
A promise that Americans expect; When confronted, Democrats obfuscate and evacuate (The Washington Times, April 14th, 2010)
Fact Check: Pelosi’s $100,000 worth of expenses not all food, booze (The Florida Times-Union, April 4th, 2010)
Will new law mean more IRS agents?: Health Care Fact Check (The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH), April 2nd, 2010)
Asheville Citizen-Times answers reader questions about the health care bill (Citizen-Times, March 24th, 2010)
Medicare changes misrepresented, advocates say (Times Free Press (Chattanooga, TN), March 24th, 2010)
Obama to appear on Fox News, with healthcare reform down to the wire (The Christian Science Monitor, March 17th, 2010)