Misinformation drives low child COVID vaccination rates, Penn study finds (The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 3rd, 2022)
Better politics, smarter government: Renewed focus on civics education is critical for American democracy (The Southern Illinoisan, September 27th, 2022)
All the news that’s fit: Music’s mellowness, COVID stats and coma-ending tunes (San Diego Union-Tribune, September 27th, 2022)
Ideas we should steal: State seal of civic engagement (The Philadelphia Citizen, September 27th, 2022)
Illinois law doesn’t ‘eliminate all restrictions on abortions,’ contrary to ad from advocacy group (MSN.com, September 26th, 2022)
Biden’s misleading claims about the economic recovery and unemployment (MSN.com, September 23rd, 2022)
People with skin conditions face stigma. Monkeypox has made it worse. (The Washington Post, September 22nd, 2022)
Americans’ civics knowledge declines on First Amendment, branches of government (RealClear Public Affairs, September 21st, 2022)
Americans in 2022: 1 in 4 can’t name any branches of government, half think Facebook protected by First Amendment (Study Finds, September 20th, 2022)
States mandate ‘bias-free’ primary sources in U.S. history classes (The Washington Times, September 20th, 2022)
There may be no U.S. Senate debate in Missouri. Here’s why that’s becoming more common (Kansas City Star, September 20th, 2022)
Civics for Adults: A Guide for Civics Content Providers (Center for Strategic & International Studies, September 19th, 2022)
Trump may wish he hadn’t pushed to block online content moderation (The Washington Post, September 19th, 2022)
Opinion | How to counter today’s tribalism and build ‘a more perfect union’ (The Washington Post, September 17th, 2022)
Biden Administration quietly steps up effort to close Guantanamo (The Wall Street Journal, September 17th, 2022)
Americans’ civic expertise is apparently not that great [audio] (The Smerconish Podcast, September 16th, 2022)