Targeting impulsivity early in adolescence could prevent later behavioral disorders (Penn Today, August 17th, 2022)
Study: Targeting impulsivity early in adolescence could prevent later behavioral disorders (Contemporary Clinic, August 16th, 2022)
Randy Weber: Biden’s ‘war on fossil fuels’ makes America dependent on the rest of the world (Breitbart, August 16th, 2022)
‘COVID? What COVID?’ More and more people say they’ve returned to normal. (The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 16th, 2022)
Monkeypox misinformation spreading faster than the virus, experts say (, August 15th, 2022)
Despite awareness of COVID-19 risks, many Americans say they’re back to ‘normal’ (Medical Xpress, August 15th, 2022)
Study: Behavioural disorders can be cured by targeting impulsivity in early adolescence (ANI, August 13th, 2022)
CDC releases new, more relaxed COVID guidelines: “we’re in a stronger place” (PopSugar, August 12th, 2022)
Despite awareness of COVID-19 risks, many Americans say they’re back to ‘normal’ (Penn Today, August 12th, 2022)
No more quarantines or test-to-stay in schools, CDC reveals sweeping changes to COVID-19 guidance (The Blaze, August 11th, 2022)
After the omicron surge, Americans increasingly resumed pre-pandemic lifestyles, Penn survey shows (PhillyVoice, August 11th, 2022)
CDC ends recommendations for social distancing and quarantine for Covid-19 control, no longer recommends test-to-stay in schools (, August 11th, 2022)
Fact check: Altered image falsely attributes erroneous monkeypox claims to BBC, WHO and CDC (USA Today, August 11th, 2022)
Survey: 4 in 10 Americans back to a ‘normal’ pre-Covid life (Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, August 10th, 2022)
Later life behavioural disorders can be prevented by targeting impulsivity in early adolescence: study (ANI, August 9th, 2022)
40% of Americans say they’ve returned to pre-COVID life, study finds [audio] (KCBS Radio (San Francisco), August 9th, 2022)
Growing number of Americans are back to pre-pandemic life [audio] (KYW Newsradio (Philadelphia), August 9th, 2022)
More than 40% of U.S. adults have returned to ‘pre-COVID-19 normal,’ survey says (United Press International (UPI), August 9th, 2022)