Hospitals overwhelmed by another surge of COVID-19 patients, financial strain (The Atlanta Voice, August 18th, 2021)
Did the Afghan leaders flee? Was there no will to fight? We checked Biden’s speech on the fall of Afghanistan [Spanish] (Univision, August 17th, 2021)
Post offers misleading advice on mandatory vaccines and unemployment benefits (Alianza News, August 17th, 2021)
They regret not getting the vaccine — and became social media evangelists for the shot (The Washington Post, August 12th, 2021)
The CDC’s pregnancy guidance brings vaccine data deficits full term (Poynter - Factually Newsletter, August 12th, 2021)
Republicans take aim at Fauci and masks to rile up their radical base. It’s not a 50-plus-1 strategy (Daily Kos, August 11th, 2021)
Larry Elder’s outspoken conservative radio rhetoric is under scrutiny in recall election (The Los Angeles Times, August 10th, 2021)
In the United States, influential Republicans call for vaccination [French] (La Croix, August 6th, 2021)
As conservative figures come around on vaccines, so do their followers (The American Independent, August 6th, 2021)
The trouble with transparency: How pandemic is challenging the CDC (The Christian Science Monitor, August 5th, 2021)
Trusting science leaves people vulnerable to believing pseudoscience, new research finds (Journalist's Resource, August 3rd, 2021)
Trust in science can ironically lead to false beliefs. Luckily, there’s a solution (Science Alert, August 1st, 2021)
Middle-school students in New Jersey will be required to take civics (The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 1st, 2021)
It is false that insurers do not pay the life policies of those vaccinated who die, as an Instagram post says [Spanish] (Univision, July 30th, 2021)
It is false that half of federal health employees are not vaccinated against covid-19 [Spanish] (Univision, July 30th, 2021)
‘The war has changed’: Internal CDC document urges new messaging, warns delta infections likely more severe (The Washington Post, July 29th, 2021)