Although Trump becomes isolated, Trump-style populism is here to stay (Hong Kong 01, January 12th, 2021)
Fact Check: Did President Trump build the ‘big, beautiful’ border wall he promised? (Newsweek, January 12th, 2021)
Our democracy remains intact thanks to our courts, free press, and right to assembly (The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 11th, 2021)
COVID vaccine sign-up links are spreading on email chains and creating chaos (Vice, January 7th, 2021)
The storming of Congress reminds us that educated citizens are freedom’s only true safeguard (Forbes, January 7th, 2021)
Suicide rate decreased for the first time in a decade in 2019, CDC reports (, December 29th, 2020)
2020 in review: 11 winners (and no losers) from Philly’s strange year (Philadelphia Magazine, December 23rd, 2020)
Will most people be suicidal at Christmas? – A misconception that it’s time to refute (Life (Hungary), December 21st, 2020)
What, exactly, is Rand Paul talking about? (The Point with Chris Cillizza (CNN), December 17th, 2020)
The one good thing Donald Trump’s assault on democracy has done for America (The Point with Chris Cillizza (CNN), December 14th, 2020)
Melinda Gates: It’s time to have some good regulation on social media platforms (Yahoo! Finance, December 11th, 2020)
Fact check: Breaking down attack ads in the Perdue vs. Ossoff Georgia Senate race (, December 10th, 2020)
It’s a crime: Citizens’ perception of crime is affected by disproportionate reporting (The Signal (Canada), December 10th, 2020)
Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data (HKS Misinformation Review, December 9th, 2020)
From Russian trolls to right-wing pundits, Jen Psaki just can’t catch a break (Coda, December 8th, 2020)
America’s anti-vaccine conspiracy theories threaten global immunization (Monumental (Costa Rica), December 6th, 2020)