White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Defends Donald Trump’s tweet targeting 75-Year-old protester: “It’s not a baseless conspiracy” (Deadline Hollywood, June 10th, 2020)
Kansans reveal their coronavirus anxieties, from money to health to loneliness (KBIA, June 9th, 2020)
Liz Peek: Can Joe ‘Crime Bill’ Biden lead Dems seeking to defund police, challenge unions? (FOX News, June 8th, 2020)
AG Barr says pepper spray ‘is not a chemical irritant.’ But the company that makes pepper-spraying balls says otherwise. (Insider, June 7th, 2020)
Social network users are more likely to have misinformed vaccination information (MSN.com (Czech Republic), June 5th, 2020)
Teens shift to activism on TikTok—and illustrate a generational divide (The Daily Dot, June 4th, 2020)
How to spot fake health information and root out charlatans, according to health experts (CNBC, June 4th, 2020)
The “bubble effect” means you may not see that much protest content on TikTok (BuzzFeed News, June 3rd, 2020)
Detector: Conspiracy theory about Magnus Heunicke and Bill Gates spread on Facebook (Dr.dk (Denmark), June 2nd, 2020)
Fact Check: Trump’s false statements about how Dem leaders handled protests (NBC5 Chicago, June 1st, 2020)
Fake claims about the death of George Floyd are being shared online. Here’s a few you might have heard (WBAL-TV 11 (Baltimore, MD), June 1st, 2020)
Anti-intellectualism is back — because it never went away. And it’s killing Americans (Salon, May 30th, 2020)
FactCheck.org calls out Biden’s false claims, exaggerations from ‘Breakfast Club’ interview (FOX News, May 28th, 2020)
Contrary to Facebook post, Obamacare never exempted Muslims (Agence France-Presse (AFP), May 27th, 2020)
Twitter slaps Fact-Check link on Donald Trump tweet for the first time; he claims platform is “stifling free speech” (Deadline Hollywood, May 27th, 2020)
Republicans sue to block California Gov. Newsom from mailing ballots to all voters (USA Today, May 25th, 2020)