Varun Saraswathula | As America reopens, our leaders must listen to science (The Daily Pennsylvanian, May 21st, 2020)
Secretary Of State: Every Michigan voter will get an absentee ballot application in the mail (WWJ NewsRadio 950, May 19th, 2020)
A top White House official claimed, without evidence, that China sent sick people to other countries to ‘seed’ COVID-19 around the world (Business Insider, May 18th, 2020)
Morning or mourning in America? Political advertising and the politics of emotion (History News Network, May 17th, 2020)
Trump says the US leads the world in testing. But it’s far behind in testing per capita, studies show (CNN, May 12th, 2020)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Carl June: National Academy of Sciences Members (University of Pennsylvania Almanac, May 12th, 2020)
How Ginsburg’s and Kagan’s recent opinions send a healthy signal about the Supreme Court (The Washington Post, May 11th, 2020)
American study: The impact of fake news and the media that feed them (News4Health (Greece), May 7th, 2020)
Voter suppression is at the heart of Trump’s reelection strategy – opinion (The Jerusalem Post, May 7th, 2020)
The profound civics lesson kids are getting from the U.S. government’s response to the covid-19 pandemic (The Washington Post, May 6th, 2020)